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The Clinical Consult is a podcast series that covers topics of direct clinical relevance to psychology practice. Listen to any podcast from our selection below. These episodes are intended for general information and discussion purposes only and do not provide formal recommendations or clinical advice.
This podcast series from the National Register highlights engaging conversations on topics of interest to health service psychologists, psychology doctoral students and trainees, behavioral health clinicians, and others.
Dr. Jon Goodwin breaks down clinical considerations related to psychological assessment including the purpose of the assessment, who the client actually is, and how to navigate cultural considerations in interacting with patients and parents.
Jon Goodwin, PhD, is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry in the Roy J. and Lucille Carver College of Medicine at the University of Iowa. He is a licensed psychologist with a clinical focus on children and adolescents. Jon earned his doctorate degree from the University of Iowa in 2017, and he completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the Belin-Blank International Center for Gifted Education and Talent Development in 2018. Prior to his current appointment, Jon held a visiting faculty appointment in the Department of Psychological and Quantitative Foundations at the University of Iowa, where he taught courses on developmental psychopathology and individual intelligence testing for the Counseling Psychology PhD program. His clinical interests include the assessment and treatment of neurodevelopmental disorders (e.g., attention, learning, and/or autism spectrum disorders) in children and adolescents with average to above average cognitive ability.
Professional Consultant
Samuel Lustgarten, PhD, is a licensed psychologist and member of the National Register of Health Service Psychologists. Over the last seven years, he has worked to examine the intersections between technology and psychology, publishing articles in American Psychologist, Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, and Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice. Dr. Lustgarten continues to work closely with clients and associates in practice and advocate for training needs when implementing telepsychology. Now in private practice, Sam works with clients in the Madison, WI area. As a professional consultant for the National Register of Health Service Psychologists, he facilitates connection with current and future Associates, along with hosting The Clinical Consult podcast.