Dr. Noah Spring, Licensed Psychologist
Credentialed Since 2018
Licensed doctoral-level psychologists who meet the National Register’s credentialing requirements can submit an application for the HSP credential. As one of 10,000 credentialed members of the National Register, you’ll enjoy all of our benefits, including credentials banking and verification, licensure mobility, unlimited access to our continuing education program and clinical content, a profile on FindaPsychologist.org, opportunities to develop an engaging professional presence, a mailed copy of the Journal of Health Service Psychology, live webinars, savings through partner organizations, connection to your peers through our listserv, a monthly enewsletter, and access to our job board.
During the application process for the National Register Health Service Psychologist credential, you’ll submit documentation of your education, internship, and postdoctoral experience. If you meet the credentialing requirements and your application is approved, this documentation is “banked” and you’ll receive access to the many benefits we offer for the duration of your membership.
We strive to make this process as pleasant as possible, so we’re here to answer your questions. Your first step is to make sure you qualify for the National Register’s Health Service Psychologist credential. Then, submit your application. If you don’t qualify for the credential and still want to access to our professional development products and partnership programs, you might be interested in the National Register Practice Academy.
Online application
Is the application fee a barrier for you? And are you an ECP (within 10 years of degree)? Apply for a credentialing scholarship.
Credential review
Upon approval of your credentialing application
That’s it!
There is an application fee and annual credential renewal fee. Review all National Register fees. If you have questions about these fees, please contact us.
You may qualify for a reinstatement.
The National Register offers credentialing scholarships that cover the cost of the application fee. Scholarship deadlines are November 15 and May 15.
Our credentialing managers know exactly how to handle this.
Credentialing Scholarships
Cover the cost of the credential application fee. Determine your eligibility and apply.
Learn More