Dr. Kelley Martin

Credentialed Since 2019

Apply for Licensure in a New Jurisdiction

Check the jurisdiction's details below and request a verification.

Request a Verification

Where Can You Go?

See which boards use our program to expedite licensure for HSPs.

We’ve Got You Covered

Wherever your career takes you, the National Register has your back.

The National Register mobility program removes the need for actively credentialed HSPs to gather redundant documentation every time you apply for a new license. Our credentials verification letter typically eliminates the need to request a transcript, chase down your internship and postdoctoral supervisors, and order EPPP scores. If you are ready to apply for licensure in a new jurisdiction, check the jurisdiction’s details above and request a verification by clicking the button. If you are still evaluating your options, use the dropdown to browse our participating jurisdictions.

Request a Verification

Request a Verification

We'll validate your education and training to a licensing board, healthcare organization, or employer.

Get Started

1200 New York Ave NW, Ste 800
Washington DC 20005

p: 202.783.7663

f: 202.347.0550

Endorsed by the National Register