About the JHSP

A Peer-Reviewed, Clinical Journal


The Journal of Health Service Psychology is a peer-reviewed, clinical journal that publishes articles of direct clinical relevance to health service psychologists and other behavioral health practitioners. The unifying theme is that submissions must address a current clinical issue or practice challenge and to the maximum extent possible be of immediate applicability to clinicians.  Clinical topics in both mental health and physical health are appropriate, and submissions on integrated care delivery are of particular interest.  Please observe our specific format for articles, which includes an opening clinical vignette, several descriptive sections pertaining to the clinical issue, a closing clinical summary section, and a summation of major key clinical considerations at the end. JHSP does not publish research, qualitative studies, case studies, position/review papers, or theoretical analyses.

This journal is owned by the National Register of Health Service Psychologists. The views expressed in the articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the National Register. No part of this publication may be reproduced or reprinted without the publisher’s written permission.

Copyright and revenue information: The copyright holder for Journal of Health Service Psychology articles is the National Register of Health Service Psychologists. The journal is funded by the National Register.

Learn more about the JHSP editorial board and manuscript submission.

Aims & Scope

The Journal of Health Service Psychology is a clinical journal that publishes articles of direct clinical relevance to health service psychologists and other behavioral health practitioners. Submissions must address clinical or practice challenges and be of immediate applicability to practitioners. Priority topic areas include management of acute and chronic mental and physical illness, particularly underrecognized/underreported conditions. Populations and clinical situations of interest include but are not limited to: BIPOC, LGBT+, Child & Family, Older Adults/Geriatrics, Suicide, Trauma/IPV/Child Abuse, integrated care, and co-management of medical/psychological problems. We are open to other topic areas. Please email the Editor-in-Chief, Kate Brody Nooner, PhD (kate@nationalregister.org) to discuss topics of interest that are outside of these priority areas.

Successful Journal of Health Service Psychology submissions are of direct clinical relevance to health service psychologists and allied professionals. They should be structured in the manner prescribed in the Information for Authors before submission to the peer-review process. Submissions should be written for health service psychologists and allied professionals in direct clinical practice. Please also refer to the JHSP information for authors and ethics and disclosure sections for details on manuscript format.

Generally, JHSP manuscripts will not have more than 5 co-authors except in exceptional circumstances that must be approved by the editor-in-chief.  Authors submitting work to JHSP must warrant that the work submitted is original and has not been published elsewhere and is not under review or submitted for publication elsewhere. The author(s) warrant(s) that all substantive contributions to the manuscript have been duly acknowledged and that the order of authorship accurately reflects the contribution of each author.

The author(s) warrant that the manuscript has been developed in accordance with general ethical precepts as outlined in the APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct.

Springer Nature (Publisher)

As of January 1, 2020, the National Register’s Journal of Health Service Psychology (JHSP) is a Springer-branded publication. JHSP articles are available for purchase through Springer’s institutional subscription service, SpringerLink, which dramatically increases access to the articles within universities and healthcare systems.

The journal’s Electronic ISSN is 2662-2653

Springer.com has an archive of all Journal of Health Service Psychology articles.

What Does This Mean for National Register Members?

National Register prints approximately 15,000 copies per issue and mails a printed copy to all Registrants except those who have indicated a “no print” preference. As always, there will be no additional fee to Registrants to receive the print version of the JHSP. Secondly, Registrants may purchase access to the enhanced electronic version of the JHSP, available via SpringerLink, for $10 annually. Simply check the appropriate box during your renewal payment. After subscribing, a link for JHSP Online will appear within your Registrant account.

Editorial Policies

The National Register follows Springer’s editorial policies, including but not limited to author responsibilities and ethics policies for corrections, removal of published content, appeals and complaints, and authorship disputes. Springer Nature follows COPE guidelines for misconduct.COPE logo

The Journal of Health Service Psychology is committed to maintaining the highest level of integrity in the content published and is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). This journal is a member of COPE under Springer Nature, which is a publisher member of COPE.



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Listen to More About JHSP on the National Register's Podcast

Dr. Nooner discusses her role with JHSP and her vision for the mission and future of the journal.

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