Journal of Health Service Psychology: Volume 47 Issue 1

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Addressing Vaccination Hesitancy in Psychotherapy

Vaccine hesitancy refers to delay in acceptance or refusal of vaccination despite availability of vaccination series. The majority of psychologists…

The Family Check-Up: Ecological Family-Based Assessments in the Context of Potential Child Abuse or Chaotic Home Environments

One percent of all children in the United States are estimated to be abused or neglected each year, equating to…

Working With Suicidal and Homeless LGBTQ+ Youth in the Context of Family Rejection

LGBTQ+ individuals are at increased risk of suicide. Homelessness further increases the risk, as does family-of-origin rejection. A model that…

Talking With Children About Race and Racism

Children notice race from an early age. They also observe and can understand injustices among people. However, research shows that…

Developing Psychological Well-Being in Distressed Older Patients

Depression and anxiety are common disorders in older adults. For some, even after a combination of pharmacological and psychological treatments,…

Assessment and Intervention for Individuals With Misophonia

Misophonia is a condition characterized by marked distress following the perception of innocuous sounds and is often accompanied by behavioral…

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