Journal of Health Service Psychology: Volume 49 Issue 4

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Cognitive Restructuring With Latinx Individuals

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is considered standard treatment for a number of psychiatric disorders, such as depression and anxiety. However,…

Integrating Pharmacotherapy and Psychotherapy for Weight Loss

This comprehensive overview explores sociocultural challenges in healthy eating and weight management, focusing on pharmacological interventions and psychotherapeutic options for…

Intergenerational Transmission of Trauma

When individuals experience traumatic events, the impact can extend beyond their own lifetimes and affect their descendants in long-lasting and…

Affirmative Action, Child Custody, and “Expressive” Websites: The Supreme Court’s 2022-2023 Term

Abstract The Supreme Court’s 2022-2023 Term included several cases that will interest mental health professionals. One demonstration of this interest…

Harmful and Inadequate Supervision Post-Pandemic: Complexities and Considerations

The COVID-19 pandemic altered the nature and scope of clinical training and supervision in profound ways (Soheilian et al., 2023)….

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