Journal of Health Service Psychology: Volume 47 Issue 3

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Mental Health Service Provision During COVID-19: Results of the Third Survey of Licensed Psychologists

A third survey of the practice of licensed psychologists during the pandemic conducted in June 2021 revealed that the rapid…

Providing Psychological Services to Firefighters

Firefighters are chronically exposed to trauma as well as occupational and relational stressors. Furthermore, firefighters are faced with cultural and…

Psychological Assessment of Adult Survivors of Interpersonal Violence: Guidelines for Trauma-Informed Evaluation and Treatment Planning

It is estimated that 50–75% of adults have been exposed to one re more forms of interpersonal violence (IV), defined…

Motivational Interviewing to Navigate Ethical Considerations for Youth Facing Stigma in Health Care Settings

Implicit bias and health-related stigma can impact patient-provider communication, particularly related to pediatric chronic conditions that are currently increasing in…

Ethical and Legal Considerations When Patients Disclose Knowledge of a Weapon in a School

In the modern era, concerns over school-related gun violence are as high as ever. In their clinical work, psychologists who…

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