Language and Acculturation: Neuropsychological Sequalae of COVID-19 in Indian Americans
Jabeen F. Shamji, PhD; Jasdeep S. Hundal, PsyD, ABPP-CN; Farzin Irani, PhD, ABPP-CN; Preeti Sunderaraman, PhD
Shamji, J. F., Hundal, J. S., Irani, F. & Sunderaraman, P. (2022). Language and Acculturation: Neuropsychological Sequalae of COVID-19 in Indian Americans. Journal of Health Service Psychology, 48(4).
Coronavirus 2019 (SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19) has significant mental health and neuropsychological consequences, but data are insufficient on these specific implications of COVID-19, especially for Indian American patients. Few studies have critically explored risk factors and neuropsychological assessment considerations from a cultural and linguistic perspective, including how they impact the evaluation process for Indian Americans. The present paper focuses on cultural and linguistic considerations for case conceptualization, ethical challenges for best practices, and a specific example with a middle-aged Indian American woman. The need for a greater contextual understanding is emphasized as a step forward in establishing methodological and procedural guidelines for working with patients of Indian descent in the United States.
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