
Adventure Therapy Treatment for Young Adult Males Struggling With Addictions


Russell, K. C., Gillis, H. L., & Hayes, M. (2020). Adventure Therapy Treatment for Young Adult Males Struggling with Addictions. Journal of Health Service Psychology46(1), 13–20.


Adventure therapy is the prescriptive use of adventure experiences conducted in natural settings by mental health professionals that kinesthetically engage clients on cognitive, affective, and behavioral levels. Meta-analyses, specific research on skills developed through the experience, and theoretically reasoned factors inherent in the adventure therapy experience suggest that adventure therapy is a promising treatment option for adolescents and young adults. AT treatment programs are slowly gaining traction, and more families are receiving insurance reimbursement support. The American Hospital Association recognizes adventure therapy as a viable form of treatment, and the National Uniform Billing Committee established an insurance billing code for it in July 2016. Tips for practice include allowing clients to co-construct their treatment experience, matching therapeutic intentions with adventure activities rather than prescribing uniform experiences, and having clients share their therapeutic intentions to receive feedback from their cohort group before and after the experience.

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