Chand Taneja, PhD, receives National Award for Excellence

The National Register of Health Service Psychologists Board of Directors today announced the presentation of the Judy E. Hall Early Career Psychologist Award to Chand Taneja, PhD, of Victoria, British Columbia.

The award is named for the National Register’s current Executive Officer, Judy E. Hall, PhD, and recognizes excellence in a credentialed psychologist with less than ten years of postdoctoral experience.

Dr. Taneja is currently Vancouver Island’s only practicing Board Certified Clinical Neuropsychologist (ABPP-CN). She is employed by the Queen Alexandra Centre for Children’s Health / Vancouver Island Health Authority and also has a private practice with interest in medical-legal evaluations. As a researcher for both the Vancouver Island Concussion Project and a Canadian Traumatic Brain Injury research team, she is interested in building a national TBI database with her team, studying recovery post-TBI, integrating knowledge from neuroimaging, biomarkers, neurocognitive screening and 3 D perceptual training, as well as assisting with the development of cost effective and evidence-based methods to aid cognitive rehabilitation.

“The National Register Board of Directors was impressed by her proposed project to advance research in pediatric traumatic brain injury by integrating neurocognitive screening into the decision-making process. These simple steps can provide significant value for practitioners, but more importantly, for children affected by TBI,” noted Dr. Hall. “We look forward to presenting Dr. Taneja with her $1500 award to support her innovative research.

Upon receipt of the award, Dr. Taneja wrote, “It is a great honor to be the 2013 recipient of the National Register’s Judy E. Hall Early Career Psychologist Award. I am passionate about helping individuals of all ages affected by neurological, psychiatric and medical disorders, and I look forward to advancing research in the area of traumatic brain injury and providing further education to our patients, families, students and community. I am especially grateful, that Dr. Hall and the National Register of Health Service Psychologists would consider a Canadian for this distinguished award.” Uniquely trained to practice psychology in Canada and the US, Dr. Taneja received her PhD in Clinical Neuropsychology from the University of Windsor (Windsor, ON) and completed her post-doctoral residency in Neuropsychology and Rehabilitation at Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation Hospital (Grand Rapids, MI).

Dr. Taneja has been credentialed by the National Register since 2008.

About The National Register

The National Register is the largest credentialing organization for psychologists. The independent, non-profit organization was created in 1974 with the help of the American Psychological Association and the American Board of Professional Psychology. Today, the National Register is the leading source of information on nationally credentialed psychologists in health care. Psychologists who are awarded national registrant status have achieved the highest educational and professional standards in health care. Early career psychologists can accumulate the necessary credentials during their training so that when they apply for a license to practice, they also are ready to become registrants of the National Register. It is the only independent, credentialing body with a national level standard for verifying education and training qualifications, licensing, and ethical standards with more than 12,000 doctoral level psychologists in its database. The National Register is relied upon by the health care industry, state and provincial licensing boards, and consumers. National Register also provides this valuable information to consumers as a free referral service to top quality psychologists at

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