Clinical Highlight on Youth and Adolescents

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If you’re looking to enhance your understanding of topics applicable to working with youth and adolescents, explore content below from the National Register. This is not a full list of all our content on this topic, so explore more webinars and articles on our continuing education site,

Additionally, you can browse to learn more about our upcoming live webinars, Journal of Health Service Psychology, and podcasts.

WEBINAR on Youth Bullying Prevention & Intervention: Research-Informed Strategies
Dorothy L. Espelage, PhD

Dorothy L. Espelage, PhD, discusses youth bullying, cyberbullying, gender-based harassment and bullying, and teen dating violence among middle and high school students. She examines the prevalence, definitions, and underlying risk and protective factors associated with these behaviors. Dr. Espelage also highlights school-based interventions, evidence-based programs, and promising programs (e.g., restorative practices).

JHSP ARTICLE: Assessing and Treating Adolescent Suicidality
Kristin L. Wolfe, Katia M. Goga, & Betsy D. Kennard

Adolescent suicide is a growing national public health challenge. Assessment and treatment of teenagers with suicidality (ideation, plans, intent) is critically needed. Comprehensive assessment of individual, family, and environment factors are key. Chain analysis of sequences of behavior and interaction in stressful interpersonal interactions can provide valuable clinical information for use in a range of psychotherapeutic intervention approaches.

JHSP ARTICLE on Affirmative Sexual Health Care for Transgender & Nonbinary Youth: Toward a Sex-Positive Approach
Dannie Klooster, Douglas Knutson, & Em Matsuno

Transgender and nonbinary (TNB) youth face unique health care challenges that result in and maintain health disparities. A general lack of provider competence perpetuates negative health care experiences and subsequent avoidance of care. This is of particular concern when it comes to sexual health care, an area of increased vulnerability for TNB youth. This paper outlines the necessity of providing sex-positive care that is culturally competent, TNB-affirmative, and patient-centered. The authors forward a comprehensive sex-positive framework for sexual health practice with TNB youth, which includes providing inclusive and culturally competent assessment, increasing precision and inclusiveness of medical language, a reliance on consent-based approaches, and respect for patient autonomy. Additional considerations include recognizing resilience as a positive factor and being a patient advocate while navigating legal and parental objections to treatment.

PODCAST: Basics of Pediatric Psychology Consultation

Dr. Morgan Bifano is a staff psychologist for Kennedy Krieger Institute’s Pediatric Psychology Consultation Service Program. In this podcast, she discusses the importance of high-quality behavioral health services that meet the patient’s needs and includes some of the steps taken in shifting to providing telehealth services in the wake of the pandemic.

Please note that links to the National Register’s Journal of Health Service Psychology (JHSP) articles direct you to Springer Nature’s website. National Register members can add electronic access to JHSP articles as part of their membership for an additional $10 annually.

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