Clinical Highlight on Addictive Behaviors

If you’re looking to enhance your understanding of topics applicable to working with addictive behaviors, explore content below from the National Register. This is not a full list of all our content on this topic, so explore more webinars and articles on our continuing education site,

Additionally, you can browse to learn more about our upcoming live webinars, Journal of Health Service Psychology, and podcasts.

WEBINAR on Helping Clients With Substance Use Recovery Goals During COVID-19
Kate B. Nooner, PhD & Nora E. Noel, PhD

Drs. Nooner and Noel review problems that clients have been reporting related to negative changes in patterns of substance use during the pandemic. They provide suggestions for assessment and treatment that factor in pandemic-related stressors as well as options that are appropriate for telehealth. Drs. Nooner and Noel also share cultural implications for clinical practice and co-occurring issues with substance use recovery.

JHSP ARTICLE: Relapse on the Road to Recovery: Learning the Lessons of Failure on the Way to Successful Behavior Change
Carlo C. DiClemente & Michele A. Crisafulli

In this paper, we use addictive behavior as a lens through which to explore the phenomenon of relapse. We review key insights from the Transtheoretical Model (TTM), including the importance of debriefing failure to promote successive approximation learning while recycling through stages of change. We also offer practical, evidence-based strategies for working effectively with relapse in clinical practice, which we suggest creates a more integrated, client-centered, and personalized approach to care.

JHSP ARTICLE Adventure Therapy Treatment for Young Adult Males Struggling with Addictions
Keith C. Russell, Harold L. Gillis & Matthew Hayes

Adventure therapy is the prescriptive use of adventure experiences conducted in natural settings by mental health professionals that kinesthetically engage clients on cognitive, affective, and behavioral levels. Meta-analyses, specific research on skills developed through the experience, and theoretically reasoned factors inherent in the adventure therapy experience suggest that adventure therapy is a promising treatment option for adolescents and young adults. AT treatment programs are slowly gaining traction, and more families are receiving insurance reimbursement support.

PODCAST: Gambling Disorder

Dr. Rory Pfund joins us to provide some insight on gambling behaviors. He discusses what gambling looks like in different contexts and how to identify impairments stemming from gambling behavior beyond the financial realm. Dr. Pfund also talks about effective treatment methods and some barriers that may occur during treatment.

Please note that links to the National Register’s Journal of Health Service Psychology (JHSP) articles direct you to Springer Nature’s website. National Register members can add electronic access to JHSP articles as part of their membership for an additional $10 annually.

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