Increasing Vaccine Confidence

Increasing Vaccine Confidence: Strategies for Clinicians

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These live webinars were hosted by the National Register of Health Service Psychologists in November and December 2021. Archived versions are available at no charge for National Register members and Canadian Register members. Nonmembers can attend at no charge using discount code NRVACCINE (a savings of $35 per webinar). See links below for details on each archived webinar. 

About the Webinars

Ways That Mental Health Professionals Can Encourage COVID-19 Vaccination
Tuesday, November 16
Access a recording of the webinar presentation and CE information at

Mental health problems can create barriers for seeking health care, including vaccination. The Increasing Vaccination Model offers specific insights for mental health professionals seeking to understand why their clients do and don’t get Covid-19 vaccination. Dr. Brewer will present specific insights from the three domains of the model: thinking and feeling, social processes, and direct behavior change.

The Origins of Parental Vaccine Decision-Making & What Clinicians Can Do
Monday, November 29
Access a recording of the webinar presentation and CE information at

Dr. Motta will describe research from him and his colleagues on the causes of parental vaccine skepticism. He will then explain how an understanding of the research on vaccine hesitancy can help inform effective health communication efforts to increase vaccine uptake. Dr. Motta will also discuss the applicability of several strategies for encouraging vaccine promotion in clinical settings.

Understanding and Addressing COVID-19 Vaccine Decision-Making Among College Students and Younger Adults
Wednesday, December 15
Access a recording of the webinar presentation and CE information at

Dr. Lunz Trujillo will situate COVID-19 vaccine decision-making among younger adults with previous literature on young adults’ behaviors and attitudes on different vaccines (such as the flu and HPV vaccines). In particular, she will focus on college students’ attitudes and behaviors regarding the COVID-19 vaccine based on a recent report released by the COVID States Project. Dr. Lunz Trujillo will conclude by discussing implications for practitioners.

Additional sessions were hosted by the American Psychological Association on January 20, February 10, and February 16. National Register members can watch the on-demand sessions at no charge.

National Register Membership

National Register members receive access to all National Register continuing education courses at no charge as a benefit of membership. Not currently a member of the National Register? Learn more about the application process for licensed psychologists, doctoral students and trainees, and behavioral healthcare professionals.

National Register Webinars in This Series
November 16 Presenter

Noel Brewer, PhD, is the Gillings Distinguished Professor of Public Health at the University of North Carolina. He has a PhD in health psychology from Rutgers University. Dr. Brewer’s research explores why people engage in vaccination and other health behaviors that prevent cancer. He has published over 300 papers on these topics including behaviors related to vaccination, tobacco warnings, and screening tests.  He was recognized by Clarivate as among the top 1% most cited researchers in the world since 2017. He advises the World Health Organization and US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on vaccination. He has advised the President’s Cancer Panel under two presidents and the National Vaccine Advisory Committee. Dr. Brewer co-edited the FDA’s book, Communicating Risks and Benefits: An Evidence-Based User’s Guide.

November 29 Presenter

Matt Motta, PhD, is an assistant professor of political science at Oklahoma State University. His research aims to better understand the psychological origins and policy consequences of health, environmental, and political misinformation endorsement. He is also interested in using insights from this work to inform effective health and climate communication. His research has been published in peer-reviewed journals across the social sciences, including Nature Climate Change, Social Science & Medicine, Climatic Change, Vaccine, and Political Behavior. His work on COVID-19 misinformation and efforts to encourage vaccine uptake has also been featured in outlets like The New York Times, CNN, The Washington Post, The Atlantic, and Scientific American. Matt received his PhD in political science from the University of Minnesota in 2018 and studied the “science of science communication” as a postdoctoral fellow at the Annenberg Public Policy Center (University of Pennsylvania) and Cultural Cognition Project (Yale Law School) prior to joining the faculty at Oklahoma State.

December 15 Presenter

Kristin Lunz Trujillo, PhD, is a joint postdoctoral researcher at Harvard University and Northeastern University, where she works on the COVID States Project and with the Lazer Lab. She uses a political psychology framework to investigate misinformation, vaccine hesitancy, and identity/intergroup dynamics. Kristin has published in academic journals such as Social Science & Medicine, the International Journal of Public Opinion Research, Political Research Quarterly, and the Journal of Rural Health. Her work has appeared in other outlets, including Time and US News and World Report.

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The National Register of Health Service Psychologists is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The National Register maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
The National Register of Health Service Psychologists is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Psychology as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed psychologists #PSY-0010.

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