
What Is Sleep Psychology? An Overview Of Sleep Science, Clinical Tools, And Career Pathways

National Register Associate Certificate Program on Sleep Psychology

Dr. Jason Ong and Dr. Kevin C. Smith
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In designing a certificate program to enrich the clinical capabilities of psychology doctoral students, we’ve taken what we do best at the National Register—presenting complex clinical problem-solving in easily digestible formats—and applied it to the clinical development of psychology doctoral students. Certificate program training sessions are only open to student members of the National Register Associate Program. There is no charge to attend these sessions or to join the National Register Associate Program. JOIN NOW if you are not yet an Associate.

Student members of the Associate Program can access both sessions of “What Is Sleep Psychology? An Overview Of Sleep Science, Clinical Tools, And Career Pathways,” presented by Dr. Jason Ong and Dr. Kevin C. Smith. The sessions took place on May 8 and May 15, 3:00-4:30pm ET (2pm CT/1pm MT/12pm PT). Each session incorporated approximately one hour of presentation time with a few dedicated blocks of Q&A time during the 1.5 hour session.

Session Details

Overview Of Sleep Health, Sleep Medicine, And The Role Of Sleep Psychologists
Watched the archived session here (Associates can log in to their National Register account to view).

This session covers the basics of sleep, sleep health, sleep regulation, sleep medicine, and sleep disorders. Drs. Ong and Smith also explain the role of psychologists in sleep medicine and how sleep psychologists operate in hospital and independent practice settings, in science, and in other industries such as health tech.

A Primer Of The Clinical Tools Used In Sleep Psychology
Watch the archived session here (Associates can log in to their National Register account to view).

This session will focus on specific considerations for evaluating and treating both pediatric and adult sleep disorders. Dr. Smith will discuss behavioral insomnia of childhood, and nighttime fears. Dr. Ong will discuss cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia, CPAP adherence, and coping with hypersomnia.

Program Details

This program is not offered for continuing education.

Certificate program training sessions are only open to student members of the National Register Associate Program. There is no charge to attend these sessions or to join the National Register Associate Program. JOIN NOW if you are not yet an Associate.

To qualify for the certificate, you must attend both sessions either live or archived. Certificates will be emailed to eligible attendees after both sessions have occurred.

About the Presenters

Dr. Jason OngDr. Jason Ong is the Director of Behavioral Sleep Medicine (BSM) and Clinical Science at Nox Health and an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of Neurology and the Center for Circadian and Sleep Medicine at Northwestern University. He received his PhD in clinical psychology from Virginia Commonwealth University and completed a fellowship in Behavioral Sleep Medicine at Stanford University. Dr. Ong’s primary research interest is developing and testing non-pharmacological treatments for sleep disorders using mindfulness meditation and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). Dr. Ong is also a licensed psychologist and a Diplomate in Behavioral Sleep Medicine, delivering behavioral treatments for insomnia, PAP adherence, and coping with hypersomnia. His current role at Nox Health involves developing a digital BSM program and leading the clinical science team to support NIH-funded research projects. His experience in academia coupled with his venture into the health tech industry provides a unique perspective and a leading voice on the intersection of sleep science, behavioral medicine, and digital health.

Dr. Kevin C. SmithDr. Kevin C. Smith is the Pediatric Psychologist in the Sleep Disorders Center at Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, Missouri, and Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Missouri, Kansas City School of Medicine. He received his doctorate from Virginia Commonwealth University and completed his internship and fellowship at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. He is starting a private practice, Calibrate Sleep + Mental Health, in Seattle, Washington later this year.

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