The Awakening of Sleep Psychology: Moving Beyond Sleep Hygiene Resources


Resources from the National Register’s Clinical Webinar Series

Society of Behavioral Sleep Medicine 

Cognitive Behavioral Treatment of Insomnia: A Session-by-Session Guide 1st ed. 2005. 2nd printing 2008 Edition
by Michael L. Perlis,‎ Carla Jungquist,‎ Michael T. Smith,‎ Donn Posner

Overcoming Insomnia: A Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Approach, Workbook (Treatments That Work) 2nd Edition
by Jack D. Edinger,‎ Colleen E. Carney 

1200 New York Ave NW, Ste 800

Washington DC 20005

p: 202.783.7663

f: 202.347.0550

Endorsed by the National Register