
Suicide: Detection, Clinical Intervention, and Risk Management


Resources from the National Register’s Clinical Webinar Series

Clinical Work with Suicidal Patients: Ethical Issues and Professional Challenges (Jobes, Rudd, Overholser, and Joiner. PPRP 2008)*

Building a Therapeutic Alliance with the Suicidal Patient (Jobes and Michel)*

Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale

Assessment of Suicidal Intention: The Scale of Suicide Ideation (Becks, Kovacs, Weissman – Univ. of Pennsylvania)

Suicide Specific Assessment Measures (Brown, 2001)

List of Different Scales:

  1. Scale of Suicide Ideation (Psy-world)
  2. Beck Scale of Suicide Ideation (Pearson Clinical)
  3. Modified Scale for Suicide Ideation
  4. Self-Monitoring Suicide Ideation Scale
  5. Suicide Intent Scale
  6. Parasuicide History Inventory
  7. Suicide Behavior Questionnaire – Revised
  8. Suicide Behavior Interview
  9. Suicide Probability Scale
  10. Positive and Negative Suicide Ideation (Osman, Barrios, Gutierrez, Wrangham, Kopper, Truelove, and Linden)

Psychological Approaches to Suicide Treatment and Prevention (Jobes, Au, and Siegelman)*

Cognitive therapy for the Prevention of Suicide Attempts: A Randomized Controlled Trial (Pubmed)

Suicide and malpractice liability: Assessing and revising policies, procedures, and practice in outpatient settings (APA Psychnet)*

Resources for Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder
Skills Training Manual for Treating Borderline Personality Disorder
DBT Skills Training Manual

Training Website
Behavioral Tech – A Linehan Institute Training Company

Resources for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive Therapy for Suicidal Patients: Scientific and Clinical Applications (APA)

Cognitive Therapy Training

Other Key Websites

CAMS-care: Preventing Suicide

The Suicide Prevention Lab

Managing Suicidal Risk: A Collaborated Approach (Guilford Press)*

1200 New York Ave NW, Ste 800

Washington DC 20005

p: 202.783.7663

f: 202.347.0550

Endorsed by the National Register