Raquel E. Rose Named 2022 Morgan T. Sammons Doctoral Student Award Winner

photo of raquel rose

The National Register of Health Service Psychologists is proud to present the 2022 Morgan T. Sammons Doctoral Student Award to Raquel E. Rose of the New York University Counseling Psychology Program in New York, NY. This award comes with a $5,000 stipend to further the development of a clinically oriented research project. 

This award, named in honor of the National Register’s current Chief Executive Officer, is presented annually to a currently enrolled student in good standing in an APA- or CPA-accredited doctoral program in psychology. 

The National Register’s Awards Committee was impressed with Raquel’s plan to use the $5,000 award stipend to analyze unmet educational needs in girls of color. 

Upon receiving the award, Raquel said, “I am deeply honored and grateful to receive the Morgan T. Sammons Doctoral Student Award from the National Register Health Service Psychologists. This award will provide integral funding and support for my dissertation project, which focuses on the impact of stakeholder perceptions and unmet education resource needs on the pushout of girls of color from academic contexts. The study stands to contribute to the literature by a) shifting the responsibility from solely on young women to critiquing academic and legal systems narratives around girls’ behaviors and b) experimentally examining an intervention which aims to disrupt the school-to-prison pipeline for girls of color and improve mental health and legal outcomes; a timely endeavor as few model programs currently exist for girls at risk of pushout and arrest.” 

Raquel is a fifth-year doctoral candidate in Counseling Psychology at New York University under the mentorship of Dr. Shabnam Javdani. Her research seeks to understand the impact of systemic trauma, resource precarity, and deficit-based narratives around ethnic minority youth on psychosocial outcomes particularly in the mental health, education and legal fields. In particular, she focuses on the effective implementation and evaluation of interventions and participatory programs with youth who are legal system-impacted to inform multi-disciplinary efforts to change systems/policy and promote better service delivery and innovation. Raquel has served in multiple leadership roles in her university and community and her efforts have been recognized through multiple publications and awards. 

Raquel has been banking credentials through the National Register since 2021. 

This announcement will also be featured in the National Register’s Journal of Health Service Psychology

About the National Register of Health Service Psychologists 

The National Register of Health Service Psychologists was established in 1974 and is the largest credentialing organization for psychologists and psychology doctoral students. We are an independent nonprofit organization dedicated to improving healthcare by identifying psychologists who meet specific education and training standards, and by verifying these professionals to consumers, healthcare organizations, and regulatory bodies. The National Register currently credentials 10,000 Health Service Psychologists and has approximately 4,000 psychology doctoral student and postdoctoral trainee members of its Associate Program. For more information, visit www.nationalregister.org. 


For more information about this announcement, contact the National Register at 202.783.7663. 

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f: 202.347.0550

Endorsed by the National Register